"Now, more than ever, New York is "America's City," a symbol of our
indomitable spirit, our energy, our roots in a proud past, our confidence in
the future. Is there any place in this fair land that better symbolizes the
glamour and drama of American life than
New York is the most theatrical of American cities. As I assembled my
sketches and impressions of historic New York City in my studio, it occurred
to me that an artist is in the same position as a theatrical director. Like a
director, I can assemble stage settings that combine reality and imagination
to evoke the mood, the feelings, the special character I hope to convey.
That's just what I've done in NEW YORK, FIFTH AVENUE.
Here is the Plaza Hotel and the great historic buildings of Fifth Avenue;
here the lavish foliage of Central Park. Looming over all is the magnificent
guard of the Empire State Building, which stands as a prideful symbol of the
commercial might of this great city. I've intentionally made this a timeless
image of New York, as two-wheeled hansom cabs and classic American
automobiles patrol the busy streets.
The essence of the great city, as the essence of the country it so nobly
represents, remains the same throughout decades past and into the future."